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Form 603 Help


Assign Authorization

Partitioning and Disaggregation Information

Upload Undefined Area Information

Select file to upload
This page allows you to upload a file for each undefined geographic area. Each file may contain up to 300 Latitude/Longitude combinations for every 3 degrees azimuth, using NAD83 Datum.

The file must be uploaded as a pipe-delimited text file, formatted as follows:

Id | lat_deg | lat_min | lat_sec | long_deg | long_min | long_sec.
Positive Lat = N
Negative Lat = S
Positive Long = E
Negative Long = W

Id field must be numeric and in sequential order. No duplicate values in the Id column.

The Direction for Latitude will default to North and the Direction for Longitude will default to East; unless a negative degrees is indicated.

If you need to indicate South for the Latitude, put a negative sign (-) in front of the Latitude Degrees.

If you need to indicate West for the Longitude, put a negative sign (-) in front of the Longitude Degrees:

If you need to indicate South for the Latitude and West for the Longitude, put a negative sign (-) in front of the Latitude Degrees and in front of the Longitude Degrees.

If you need to indicate North for the Latitude and East for the Longitude, do not put a negative sign (-) in front of the Latitude Degrees or in front of the Longitude Degrees.

ULS will validate that each coordinate is a valid coordinate in the United States. If any one coordinate is not valid or contains an error, ULS will reject the entire upload file.

Click Browse to browse your directories. Select the desired file using your browser utility. The file you select will appear in the space provided. Click Upload to upload the selected file. The coordinates you uploaded will be displayed on the Review Coordinates page.

If you want to cancel the upload, click Cancel. You will be returned to the Enter Coordinates page.