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Form 603 Help


Transfer of Control

Transferor FRN

A Transfer of Control application must be initiated by the Licensee, as access to ULS licenses is controlled through the Licensee FRN.

The Licensee must enter the transferor's ten-digit FCC Registration Number (FRN) assigned by the Commission Registration System (CORES). The FRN is a unique entity identifier for everyone doing business with the Commission. For more information on FRN, access the Help topic Login/FRN in the left-hand Help navigation menu.

Licensee Entity Information will be provided on the application by the Transferor. The Licensee is not required to sign and certify the transfer of control.

Select Send to Transferor. The Transferor then will be able to access the application after logging into License Manager on the My Saved Applications page.

Once the transfer application has been initiated by the Licensee by selecting the Send to Transferor button, it will remain in the Licensee's My Saved Applications page until the Transferor accesses the application. The Licensee may delete the initiated transfer prior to it being accessed by the Transferor. The Licensee may not update the application. If the Licensee incorrectly enters the Transferor FRN, the application must be deleted and re-started. ULS will not save the application if the Licensee enters the FRN and does not select the Send to Transferor button.