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Form 603 Help


Assign Authorization

Partitioning and Disaggregation Information

Partition/Disaggregation Summary

This Partition/Disaggregation Summary page is displayed in all partition and/or disaggregation assignments. This page displays a high level summary of all saved partition and/or disaggregated assignments in the application, offering the applicant the opportunity to review all the assignments that have been made.

From this page a variety of transactions may be performed. If there are still assignments to be made, the applicant may re-access the call sign list to begin them. Assignments that have been made may be re-accessed using the available hyperlinks, and limited changes may be made to them. For example, in any partition, the population and census data may be updated. In a partition by defined area, coordinates may be added and/or deleted. In a disaggregation, spectrum may be modified. Additionally, any saved assignment on this list may be deleted from the application using the check boxes and the Delete Selected button.

To delete one or more rows of partitioned/disaggregated data from the P&D portion of the application, select the check box(es) next to the call sign(s) and click Delete Selected. You will later be prompted to make P & D selections for this license again. To delete the license from the application entirely, access Select Licenses from the main summary screen after completing all of your assignments. You can select all the rows of partitioned/disaggregated data on the page for deletion by clicking Select All.

To partition and/or disaggregate another license, click Select Another Call Sign.

If you have completed partitioning and/or disaggregation for all call signs, select Finish Assignments.