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Form 603 Help



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What is an FRN?
Do I have an FRN?
What If I Have Multiple FRNs?

Log In"

Log in to the ULS License Manager with your FCC registration number (FRN) and CORES password to view and manage your licenses and applications. The sections of this document contain help for common issues related to logins and FRNs.

Forgot Password?

If you have forgotten your CORES password, please call FCC Technical Support at 1-202-414-1250. You will be asked to provide your FRN and TIN (taxpayer identification number), or if you do not have a TIN, your FRN and PIN(CORES personal identification number). After the appropriate identification, the technical support representative will give you three options:

What is an FRN?

An FRN, or FCC registration number, is a 10-digit number that is assigned to all businesses and individuals conducting business with the FCC. The FCC will use the FRN to determine if all of a registrant's fees have been paid. You must register with the Commission prior to filing applications in ULS License Manager. You may already haven an FRN. Most ULS and ASR users that had existing licenses and were registered in the ULS TIN Registration database prior to December 3, 2001, were issued an FRN automatically. Search by your call sign in ULS License Search. Your FRN will appear on the License Search results page.

For more information, see Public Notice DA 01-2452.

Do I have an FRN?

You must have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to transact business with the FCC, including filing applications online with ULS. Most ULS and ASR users registered in the ULS TIN Registration database, prior to December 3, 2001, who
had existing licenses were automatically assigned an FRN by ULS. As a result, you may have already received one or more FRNs. At the time of the conversion, each TIN/SGIN combination received a corresponding, separate FRN.

For more information see Public Notice DA 01-2452 and the FAQ on the CORES Website.

What If I Have Multiple FRNs?

A unique FRN is assigned to each registrant (using the tax payer identification number or TIN). If you register again, another FRN will be assigned to you. You may have a good reason to obtain multiple FRNs. For example, the state of Virginia has a single TIN; however, individual departments and agencies of the state government that transact business with the FCC have been assigned unique FRNs. In another example, a corporation may choose to request a separate, unique FRN for each division, department, or line of business.

It is possible you have received multiple FRNs inadvertently. If you had an existing license and were registered in the ULS TIN Registration database prior to December 3, 2001, you may have been automatically assigned an FRN. If you have subsequently registered with CORES, you may now have multiple FRNs.

You cannot cancel an FRN. However, you may ask the CORES Help Desk to deactivate an FRN that is not associated with a license (call sign) in ULS. The deactivated FRN may be used within the FCC for statistical purposes.

If you have multiple FRNs registered to the same TIN, and you would like to associate a license currently assigned to one of your FRNs to a different FRN associated with your TIN, you may contact ULS Technical Support to request this change. The process will be greatly expedited if the person contacting Technical Support is the same person listed as the contact person on the license. The Help Desk may request additional proof by fax or US mail that the person making the request is the legitimate licensee before processing the request. Use the link in the bottom right of the ULS License Manager to view the contact information for ULS Technical Support.