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Form 603 Help


Assign Authorization/Transfer Control

Additional Transaction Information

Has Transaction already occurred?

Select Yes or No from the pull-down menu to indicate whether this Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control has already occurred.

Voluntary or Involuntary?

Select an answer from the pull-down menu to indicate whether the Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control is voluntary or involuntary. If you select "Involuntary," enter the date the event occurred in the space provided. (Use the date format MM/DD/YYYY.)

Pro Forma?

Select Yes or No from the pull-down menu to indicate whether this application is a pro forma Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control.

A pro forma assignment of authorization is one for which the actual controlling party does not change. For example, if an authorization is assigned by one wholly owned subsidiary of a parent corporation to another wholly-owned subsidiary of the same corporation, this would be a pro forma assignment of authorization.

A pro forma transfer of control is one for which the actual controlling party does not change. For example, a corporate restructuring that changes the chain of ownership to the controlling corporation may give rise to a pro forma transfer of control of a licensee.

Depending upon whether pro forma or non-pro forma Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control is selected, the number of parties involved in filing and the filing steps for each party will vary. For detailed information regarding the steps and the parties involved in filing these applications, access the Help topic Assign Authorization/Transfer Control in the Help navigation menu.

Forbearance Notification

Answer the Forbearance Notification questions only if you answered "Yes" to the pro forma question. Select Yes or No from the pull-down menu to indicate whether this is a post notification that is being filed under the Commission's forbearance procedures pursuant to Section 1.948(c)(1) of the Commission's Rules. If your answer to the post notification question is "Yes," enter the consummation date of the Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control in the space provided. (Use the date format MM/DD/YYYY.)

Type of Transaction

Select one of the listed choices of methods to indicate how the Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control has been or will be accomplished. The choices of methods are:

If the facilities are to be sold, or the stock of the licensee or the entity controlling the licensee is to be assigned or transferred to another entity, answer this item "Sale or Other Assignment of Assets." If the assignment of authorization or transfer of control is to be accomplished by court order, answer this item "Court Order." If you select "Other," specify the method in the text box provided.

If required by applicable rule, attach as an exhibit a statement on how control is to be assigned or transferred, along with copies of any pertinent contracts, agreements, instruments, certified copies of Court Orders, etc. Review the instructions included with the both the electronic and paper versions of the Form 603 to determine whether attachments are required with this application.

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